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YourDrive Blog


I hope you will join me in July 2022 for my foray back into writing on the YourDrive blog!  In the meantime, please go to the FAQ page for my RecordKeeping PDF that answers "do I really need to keep this and for how long?"
I'm so excited to experience this creative joy again as it's been a big part of my life's drive journey since middle school!  YourDrive is about what makes us all the same, and not just that we all pay taxes.  It's about our wishes for financial and personal health, happiness, and security. Our search for purpose, community, and connection.  It's also about what makes us unique:  your life's style.   No matter where you are on YourDrive, there will be something here for you.  I'll talk more about it in my first post.

Are we there yet?!  Not yet, so let's play a game...

If there's any topic you would like to see covered here, please click the link below to email me. I'll contact you for more specifics.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I can't wait for Summer 2022!

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